印度股票市场反弹,Sensex和Nifty在损失5天之后上升。 Indian stock markets rebound, with Sensex and Nifty rising after five days of losses.
印度股票市场在星期一反弹,BSE Sensex公司增加498.58点,接近78 540.17点,NSE Nifty公司上升165.95点,达到23 753.45点。 Indian stock markets rebounded on Monday, with the BSE Sensex gaining 498.58 points to close at 78,540.17 and the NSE Nifty up 165.95 points to 23,753.45. 这一复苏是在连续五次损失之后实现的,这得益于积极的全球信号和美国通货膨胀率低于预期的数据。 This recovery came after five consecutive sessions of losses, aided by positive global cues and lower-than-expected US inflation data. 房地产和银行部门表现良好,而汽车部门由于对旧车销售征收更高税而面临压力。 The realty and banking sectors performed well, while the auto sector faced pressure due to higher taxes on used vehicle sales. 尽管取得了这些成就,但专家们仍然对短期前景持谨慎态度,理由是缺乏新的催化剂和FII的继续销售。 Despite the gains, experts remain cautious about the short-term outlook, citing a lack of new catalysts and continued FII selling.