印度股票市场复苏,尼夫提指数在BJP的马哈拉施特拉获得胜利后增长。 Indian stock markets recover, with Nifty index gaining after BJP's Maharashtra win.
印度股市,尤其是 Nifty 指数,在印度人民党在马哈拉施特拉邦选举中获胜的推动下,在近期下跌后显示出强劲的复苏迹象。 Indian stock markets, particularly the Nifty index, have shown strong recovery signs after a recent decline, boosted by the BJP's victory in Maharashtra state elections. 银行尼夫提指数也取得了显著收益,所有12个股票都向前推进。 The Bank Nifty index has also seen significant gains, with all 12 stocks advancing. 分析家预测尼夫提50号债券可能达到24 500至24 600美元,但由于地缘政治紧张和美国债券收益率上升,建议谨慎行事。 Analysts predict the Nifty 50 could reach 24,500 to 24,600, though caution is advised due to geopolitical tensions and rising U.S. bond yields. IT、药房、房地产和金属等部门被视为潜在的有利领域。 Sectors like IT, pharma, real estate, and metals are seen as potential upside areas.