印度股票市场在FMCG、IT和银行业的带动下,反弹了2,000点,但中位数落后。 Indian stock market rebounds 2,000 points, led by FMCG, IT, and banking stocks, but midcaps lag.
印度股市在周五出现2 000点的强劲反弹, The Indian stock market saw a robust rebound of 2,000 points on Friday, ending the week positively. 由FMCG、IT和银行股票推动的这一复苏支持了“购买浸泡”战略。 This recovery, driven by FMCG, IT, and banking stocks, supports the 'buy on dips' strategy. 然而,中国的刺激计划不确定,导致中成量和小量的库存表现不佳,金属库存受到影响。 However, midcap and smallcap stocks underperformed, and metal stocks were affected by uncertainty over China's stimulus plans. 尼夫提信息技术指数创下新高,工业生产数据逐渐恢复表明该财政年度下半年收入增加。 The Nifty IT index hit a new high, and a gradual recovery in industrial production data suggests better earnings in the second half of the fiscal year.