家庭“Vampire”装置默默地提出能源账单;专家建议不插手储蓄,特别是对养老金领取者而言。 Household "vampire" devices silently raise energy bills; experts advise unplugging to save, especially for pensioners.
游戏控制台、电脑、洗碗机和智能扬声器等家用电器,即使脱机或待命,也能静悄悄地耗尽能源,导致更高的能源费用。 Household appliances like game consoles, computers, dishwashers, and smart speakers can silently drain energy even when off or in standby, leading to higher energy bills. 这种“vampire”电力使用影响到英国家庭,由于冬季燃料津贴的减少,国家养恤金领取者尤其面临风险。 This "vampire" power use affects UK households, with state pensioners especially at risk due to reduced Winter Fuel Allowances. 为了节省费用,专家建议,在不使用或使用电源带时,应取消装置。 To save, experts recommend unplugging devices when not in use or using power strips.