能源咨询帮助热线建议,让设备处于待机状态每年会增加 15 英镑的电费。 Leaving devices on standby can boost electricity bills by £15 yearly, advises the Energy Advice Helpline.
能源咨询帮助热线警告说,将卫星箱、台式计算机和赌博控制台留在待命状态可大大增加电费和碳足迹。 The Energy Advice Helpline warns that leaving satellite boxes, desktop computers, and gaming consoles on standby can significantly increase electricity bills and carbon footprint. 这些装置即使在不活动时仍继续使用能源,仅卫星盒和计算机每年的账单就达到15英镑。 These devices continue to use energy even when inactive, with satellite boxes and computers alone adding up to £15 to annual bills. 适当关闭这些系统可带来大量储蓄和环境效益。 Switching them off properly can lead to substantial savings and environmental benefits.