非洲正在应付不断加剧的冲突,由于传统的维持和平失败,需要98亿美元来援助危机。 Africa grapples with rising conflicts, needing $9.8 billion to aid crises as traditional peacekeeping fails.
非洲面临着不断加剧的冲突和不稳定,政变和复杂的反叛团体使和平努力复杂化。 Africa faces rising conflicts and instability, with coups and complex rebel groups complicating peace efforts. 专家们说,传统的维持和平方法是无效的,非洲联盟需要发挥更积极的作用来处理这些问题。 Traditional peacekeeping methods are ineffective, experts say, and the African Union needs to take a more active role to address these issues. 东非,包括苏丹和肯尼亚等国家,预计暴力和流离失所现象将加剧。 Eastern Africa, including countries like Sudan and Kenya, is predicted to see increased violence and displacement. 该地区需要98亿美元来解决人道主义危机。 The region needs $9.8 billion to address humanitarian crises.