西非经共体计划组建一支5 000人的部队,以打击中萨赫勒地区为目标,在西非打击恐怖主义。 ECOWAS plans to create a 5,000-man force to combat terrorism in West Africa, targeting the Central Sahel region.
在2024年1月至8月期间发生了1 605次袭击和近7 000人死亡之后,西非经共体计划组建一支由5 000人组成的部队,在西非打击恐怖主义。 ECOWAS plans to create a 5,000-man force to combat terrorism in West Africa, following 1,605 attacks and nearly 7,000 deaths from January to August 2024. 中萨赫勒区域,特别是布基纳法索、马里和尼日尔面临最严重的挑战。 The Central Sahel region, particularly Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, faces the most severe challenges. 该倡议旨在应对从萨赫勒蔓延到贝宁和科特迪瓦等国家的日益严重的恐怖主义威胁。 The initiative aims to address the growing terrorism threat that has spread beyond the Sahel to countries like Benin and Côte d'Ivoire. 然而,成功取决于能否获得26亿美元的年度资金。 However, success hinges on securing $2.6 billion in annual funding.