联合国寻求910M美元援助尼日利亚境内受叛乱、洪水和经济危机打击的3.6M美元。 The UN seeks $910M to aid 3.6M in Nigeria, hit by insurgency, floods, and economic crisis.
联合国呼吁提供9.10亿美元援助尼日利亚东北部360万人,那里长达十年之久的伊斯兰叛乱和最近的水灾使780万人需要援助。 The United Nations is appealing for $910 million to aid 3.6 million people in northeastern Nigeria, where a decade-long Islamist insurgency and recent flooding have left 7.8 million in need. 这一危机由于高通货膨胀率和粮食价格而恶化,是西非和中非最昂贵的人道主义问题。 This crisis, worsened by high inflation and food prices, is the most expensive humanitarian issue in West and Central Africa. 联合国的目的是提供基本支助,包括食物、住所和医疗护理。 The UN aims to provide essential support including food, shelter, and medical care.