据报告,媒体和Houthi声称,以色列袭击了也门的目标,包括一个机场和发电站。 Israel reportedly struck Yemeni targets including an airport and power station, according to media and Houthi claims.
根据《国土报》引述一名以色列官员的话,据报道,以色列对萨那国际机场和其他地点,包括也门的一个发电站进行了袭击。 Israel reportedly carried out strikes on Sana'a International Airport and other sites including a power station in Yemen, according to Haaretz, citing an Israeli official. 也门反叛团体胡塞(Houthis)报告说,对机场、军事基地和发电站进行了多次空袭,称袭击是“以色列的侵略”。 The Houthis, Yemen's rebel group, reported multiple air raids on the airport, a military base, and a power station, referring to the attacks as "Israeli aggression." 以色列军队没有对这些报告发表评论。 The Israeli military has not commented on the reports.