以色列在拦截导弹后打击了也门胡塞武装的目标,造成至少 9 人死亡。 Israel strikes Yemeni Houthi targets after intercepting missile, causing at least nine deaths.
以色列在拦截了从也门发射的导弹后,对也门进行了空袭,目标是胡塞武装的军事基地,包括港口、油箱、拖船和发电站。 Israel conducted airstrikes in Yemen, targeting Houthi military sites including ports, fuel tanks, tugboats, and power stations, after intercepting a missile fired from Yemen. 这些袭击由 14 架战斗机实施,导致至少 9 人死亡。 The attacks, carried out by 14 fighter jets, resulted in at least nine deaths. 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡警告说,胡塞组织将为伤害以色列付出沉重代价。 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warned the Houthi group would pay a heavy price for harming Israel. 这场冲突是在胡塞武装对红海航运发动袭击以及该地区持续的紧张局势之后发生的。 The conflict follows Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and ongoing tensions in the region.