纽约警察局临时局长汤姆·唐伦 (Tom Donlon) 在联邦政府对其背景进行调查期间辞职。 Interim NYPD Commissioner Tom Donlon resigns amid federal investigations into his background.
纽约警局临时专员Tom Donlon在任命后不久即将辞职,当时联邦正在调查他的背景和埃里克·亚当斯市长的行政管理情况。 Interim NYPD Commissioner Tom Donlon is set to resign shortly after his appointment, amid ongoing federal investigations into his background and the administration of Mayor Eric Adams. 接替爱德华·卡班 (Edward Caban) 的唐伦在联邦特工突袭他的家后面临审查。 Donlon, who replaced Edward Caban, faced scrutiny following a raid at his home by federal agents. 纽约市卫生专员Jessica Tisch是接替他的主要候选人。 Jessica Tisch, NYC Sanitation Commissioner, is a leading candidate to succeed him. 这种领导层的改变是在涉及亚当斯政府的更广泛的腐败指控中发生的。 This leadership change occurs amidst broader corruption allegations affecting the Adams administration.