纽约州长解雇了十几名监狱工作人员 与一名囚犯致命的殴打有关 New York's governor fires over a dozen prison staff linked to an inmate's fatal beating.
纽约州长已下令 终止十几名监狱工作人员 参与本月早些时候 一名囚犯被致命殴打 New York's governor has ordered the termination of over a dozen prison staff members involved in the fatal beating of an inmate earlier this month. 这一决定是在对事件进行调查之后作出的,目的是维护州监狱的安全和问责制。 The decision comes after an investigation into the incident, aiming to uphold safety and accountability within the state's prisons. 州长的举动突出表明,政府承诺防止这种暴力,确保监狱工作人员行为适当。 The governor's move highlights a commitment to preventing such violence and ensuring proper conduct among prison staff.