联邦法官认为纽约市未能改善城市监狱的暴力条件,构成藐视法庭。 Federal judge finds NYC in contempt for failing to improve violent conditions at city jails.
一名联邦法官裁定纽约市因未能改善包括Rikers岛在内的城市监狱条件而藐视法庭。 A federal judge has found New York City in contempt for failing to improve conditions at city jails, including Rikers Island. 劳拉·泰勒·斯温法官指出,尽管在2015年达成了解决方案,但暴力和过度武力却有所增加,在过去两年中至少造成33人死亡。 Judge Laura Taylor Swain stated that despite a 2015 settlement, violence and excessive force have increased, leading to at least 33 deaths in the past two years. Swain正在考虑将管理监狱安全的外部权力强加给外界,并可能在1月14日前下令为此制定计划。 Swain is considering imposing an outside authority to manage the jails' safety and may order a plan for this by January 14.