联邦法官命令纽约市官员制定一项计划,以便可能由联邦接管里克斯岛监狱。 Federal Judge orders NYC officials to create a plan for potential federal takeover of Rikers Island jail.
联邦法官劳拉·泰勒·斯温已指示纽约市官员制定一项计划,以便因不断的滥用权力和管理不善问题而可能由联邦接管里克斯岛监狱。 Federal Judge Laura Taylor Swain has instructed New York City officials to create a plan for a potential federal takeover of Rikers Island jail due to ongoing abuse and mismanagement issues. 该市必须与联邦官员和囚犯辩护人合作,在11月12日前起草一份“领导改革计划”,概述独立接收人如何监督监狱。 The city must collaborate with federal officials and inmate advocates to draft a "leadership reform plan" by November 12th, outlining how an independent receiver could oversee the jails. 有关该市是否将因不遵守先前的改革而被藐视法庭的裁决也有待裁决。 A ruling on whether the city will be held in contempt for failing to comply with previous reforms is also pending.