钻井平台在特立尼达岛塌; 一名工人可能失踪, 调查正在进行中. Drilling rig collapses off Trinidad; one worker may be unaccounted for, investigation underway.
12月22日,由 Well Services Company Limited经营的、在特立尼达的帕里尼亚湾工作的私营钻井机倒塌。 A privately-owned drilling rig, operated by Well Services Company Limited and working in Trinidad's Gulf of Parinia, collapsed on December 22. 工人为了安全而争斗,一些报告表明一个人可能下落不明。 Workers scrambled for safety, with some reports suggesting one person might be unaccounted for. 能源部正在调查这一事件,而钻机原在其中作业的遗产石油公司有限公司正在支持救援工作。 The Ministry of Energy is investigating the incident, and Heritage Petroleum Company Limited, whose acreage the rig was operating in, is supporting the rescue efforts. 没有正式确认任何伤亡。 No casualties have been officially confirmed.