Cuyahhoga Valley Scenic Rail Road列车出轨,机上有588名乘客;未报告有人受伤。 Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad train derails with 588 passengers on board; no injuries reported.
一辆Cuyahhoga Valley Scenic铁路列车载着588名乘客在俄亥俄州半岛附近星期六晚上最后一次“北极冒险”中脱轨。 A Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad train carrying 588 passengers derailed during the last "North Pole Adventure" ride on Saturday night near Peninsula, Ohio. 火车每小时两英里,有三辆汽车在晚上9点左右跳过铁轨。 没有报告有人受伤。 The train, traveling at two miles per hour, had three cars jump the tracks around 9 p.m. No injuries were reported. 乘客被用公交车运回洛克塞德车站,有些人等上几个小时。 Passengers were transported back to Rockside Station using coach buses, with some waiting for hours. 脱轨原因正在调查中 The cause of the derailment is under investigation.