圣名教会在纵火破坏后在其他地方举行圣诞节活动,计划在2025年之前重建。 Church of the Holy Name holds Christmas events elsewhere after arson damage, plans to rebuild by 2025.
北爱尔兰绿岛的圣名教会在9月的纵火袭击破坏其大楼之后,正在不同地点举办圣诞节服务和活动。 The Church of the Holy Name in Greenisland, Northern Ireland, is holding Christmas services and events at different locations after an arson attack damaged its building in September. 尽管遭受挫折, 社区还是聚集一堂, 参加基督教会讲习班和音乐会等活动, 并得到当地学校和募捐者的支持。 Despite the setback, the community has come together for events like Christingle workshops and concerts, supported by local schools and fundraisers. 教区居民仍然乐观,目标是到2025年重建和返回。 Parishioners remain optimistic, aiming to rebuild and return by 2025.