伯利恒的圣诞节是暗淡的,因为战争和经济使游客望而却步,威胁到当地人的停留。 Bethlehem's Christmas is bleak as war and economics deter tourists, threaten locals' stay.
伯利恒 -- -- 耶稣的诞生地 -- -- 由于加沙战争和经济斗争,正面临第二个令人沮丧的圣诞节年头。 Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is facing a second year of a bleak Christmas due to the Gaza war and economic struggles. 游客人数下降,导致被遗弃的Manger广场和纪念品商店。 Tourist numbers are down, leading to deserted Manger Square and souvenir shops. 传统的圣诞树将不会被设置。 The traditional Christmas Tree will not be set up. 当地基督教家庭正在考虑因生活条件差和暴力而离开,现在基督教人口仅占城市人口的10%。 Local Christian families are considering leaving due to poor living conditions and violence, with the Christian population now only 10% of the city. 这种情况也影响到穆斯林家庭,他们担心金融不稳定和冲突蔓延到西岸的危险。 The situation is also affecting Muslim families, who are worried about financial instability and the threat of conflict spreading to the West Bank.