尽管遭受龙卷风的破坏,但Barnesdall教会团结起来,通过假日活动和援助支持社区。 Despite tornado damage, Barnsdall churches unite to support community with holiday events and aid.
5月,两场龙卷风袭击了俄克拉何马州巴恩斯达尔,摧毁了所有八座当地教堂。 Two tornadoes hit Barnsdall, Oklahoma in May, damaging all eight local churches. 尽管遭到破坏,但教会仍然联合起来举办节日活动,提供膳食,并向有需要的家庭分发礼物。 Despite the destruction, congregations are uniting to host holiday events, provide meals, and distribute gifts to families in need. 有一些保险,教会也相互贷款,计划在1月重新开放。 With some insurance coverage, the churches are also loaning facilities to each other and planning to reopen in January. 他们的努力目标是在节日期间提供正常状态和支持。 Their efforts aim to provide normalcy and support during the holiday season.