洛杉矶的教堂适应礼拜,因为火灾摧毁或破坏其建筑物。 Los Angeles churches adapt for worship as fires destroy or damage their buildings.
洛杉矶州受火灾破坏地区的几座教堂正面临一个充满挑战的星期天,没有他们的有形建筑物。 Several churches in fire-damaged areas of Los Angeles County are facing a challenging Sunday without their physical buildings. 火灾使许多礼拜场所遭到破坏或损坏,迫使信徒寻找其他地点或实际上见面。 The fires have left many places of worship destroyed or damaged, forcing congregations to seek alternative locations or meet virtually. 尽管遭受损失,这些社区仍然在适应,以保持其精神习惯。 These communities are adapting to maintain their spiritual practices despite the loss.