孟加拉国公布了7月至8月起义造成的858人死亡和11 500多人受伤的名单草案。 Bangladesh releases draft list of 858 deaths and over 11,500 injuries from July-August uprising.
孟加拉国政府公布了7月至8月起义伤亡人员名单草案, The Bangladeshi government has released a draft list of casualties from the July-August uprising, reporting 858 deaths and 11,551 injuries. 该名单可在“起义事务特别小组”网站上查阅,并开放供公众审查和反馈,直至12月23日。 The list is available on the 'Special Cell on Uprising Affairs' website and open for public review and feedback until December 23. 卫生服务司、卫生服务总局和64个地区委员会正在合作最后确定名单,鼓励家庭成员通过电子邮件提交任何更正或反馈。 The Health Services Division, Directorate General of Health Services, and 64 district committees are collaborating to finalize the list, encouraging family members to submit any corrections or feedback by email.