美国陆军工兵团采取更便宜、效率更低的计划, 保护新泽西的后湾免受洪水侵袭。 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers adopts a cheaper, less effective plan to protect New Jersey’s back bays from flooding.
美国陆军工程兵团(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)改变了保护新泽西州后湾免受严重洪水侵袭的计划,拆除了昂贵的防洪闸门,转而专注于抬高房屋、加固关键基础设施和恢复盐沼。 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has changed its plan to protect New Jersey’s back bays from severe flooding, removing expensive flood gates and focusing instead on elevating homes, hardening critical infrastructure, and restoring salt marshes. 这将费用从160亿美元减少到76亿美元,但效果较差。 This reduces costs from $16 billion to $7.6 billion but is less effective. 新计划旨在到2090年减少每年26亿美元的洪水破坏,但需要国会最后批准和资助。 The new plan aims to mitigate $2.6 billion in annual flood damage by 2090 but requires final approval and funding from Congress.