新西兰区域基础设施基金为42个抗洪项目拨款1.011亿美元。 New Zealand's Regional Infrastructure Fund allocates $101.1m to 42 flood resilience projects.
新西兰区域基础设施基金为11个区域的42个抗洪项目拨款101.1百万美元,在恶劣天气期间保护宝贵的土地和资产。 New Zealand's Regional Infrastructure Fund has allocated $101.1m to 42 flood resilience projects across 11 regions, protecting valuable land and assets during severe weather. 这笔资金是政府建设增长和复原力基础设施计划的一部分,60%由政府支付,其余由地方当局支付。 This funding is part of the government's plan to build infrastructure for growth and resilience, with 60% covered by the government and the rest by local authorities. 这些项目,包括停机坪、水泵站、格罗伊内斯和涵洞项目,将于2024/25年夏季开始。 The projects, including stopbanks, pump stations, groynes, and culverts, will commence in the 2024/25 summer season.