杰克逊维尔启动了气候变化恢复能力计划,50年来采取了45项行动,以减轻洪水风险。 Jacksonville launches climate-change resiliency plan with 45 actions over 50 years to mitigate flooding risks.
Jacksonville已经启动了第一个恢复能力战略,以抗击与气候变化有关的洪水加剧。 Jacksonville has launched its first resiliency strategy to combat intensified flooding linked to climate change. 该计划由城市复原力办公室制定,概述了50年来45项减少风险的行动,包括优先处理低风险发展领域、改善排水以及保护绿色空间。 The plan, developed by the city's resiliency office, outlines 45 actions over 50 years to mitigate risks, including prioritizing low-risk development areas, improving drainage, and preserving green spaces. 如果没有变化,多达430 000名居民可能面临洪水风险,从近140 000人增加到430 000人。 Without changes, up to 430,000 residents could face flooding risks, up from nearly 140,000. 该战略还通过扩大树木覆盖面和喷洒垫处理极端热问题。 The strategy also addresses extreme heat through increased tree coverage and splash pads.