联合国委员会呼吁保护叙利亚乱葬坑和来自拘留地点的证据。 UN commission calls for protection of Syrian mass graves and evidence from detention sites.
自2011年以来,联合国叙利亚问题独立国际调查委员会首次访问叙利亚,呼吁设立一个专门单位,保护原监狱和拘留中心的乱葬坑遗址和证据。 The UN's Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, visiting the country for the first time since 2011, has called for a specialized unit to protect mass grave sites and evidence from former prisons and detention centers. 委员会警告说,个人或组织的过早行动可能会妨碍法医工作。 The commission warns that premature actions by individuals or organizations could hinder forensic work. 他们还强调,必须解决边缘化群体的权利问题,在不受外来干涉的情况下开展叙利亚主导的重建进程。 They also stress the importance of addressing rights for marginalized groups and a Syrian-led rebuilding process without foreign interference.