人权倡导者要求对黎巴嫩和叙利亚最近发生的可能违反国际法的爆炸事件进行独立调查。 Human rights advocates demand an independent probe into recent explosions in Lebanon and Syria for potential international law violations.
人权倡导者呼吁独立调查黎巴嫩和叙利亚最近发生的涉及猎杀机和对讲机的爆炸事件,并列举了可能违反国际法的行为。 Human rights advocates are calling for an independent investigation into recent explosions involving pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon and Syria, citing potential violations of international law. 他们要求追究责任人的责任。 They seek accountability for those responsible. 情况引起了人们对即将发表的一份报告的彻底性的关切,因为城市官员对拖延和可能低估事件的重要性表示怀疑。 The situation has raised concerns about a forthcoming report's thoroughness, as city officials face skepticism regarding delays and the possibility of downplaying the incident's significance.