联合国机制敦促保存叙利亚冲突证据,以协助起诉战争罪行。 UN mechanism urges preservation of Syria conflict evidence to aid war crimes prosecutions.
联合国国际、中立和独立机制(IIIM)正在推动保存叙利亚14年冲突中所犯罪行的证据。 The UN’s International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) is pushing for the preservation of evidence of crimes committed in Syria's 14-year conflict. Robert Petit首领呼吁作出一致努力,收集和保护证据,这将有助于确定被非法拘留的数千人的命运。 Head Robert Petit calls for concerted efforts to gather and protect evidence, which could help establish the fate of thousands who were illegally detained. 独立调查委员会成立于2016年,收集了283兆字节的数据,目的是支持起诉战争罪。 The IIIM, established in 2016, has collected 283 terabytes of data and aims to support prosecutions of war crimes. 与此同时,联合国警告叙利亚人道主义危机恶化,据报以色列进行空袭并下令村民撤离。 Meanwhile, the UN warns of a worsening humanitarian crisis in Syria, with reports of Israeli airstrikes and orders for villagers to evacuate.