圣地亚哥报告,近三年来无家可归现象首次出现积极变化,离家出走的人数多于新病例。 San Diego reports first positive shift in homelessness in nearly three years, with more exits than new cases.
圣地亚哥的无家可归危机在11月出现了罕见的积极变化,有950人无家可归,而新无家可归的有894人,这是近三年来第一次。 San Diego saw a rare positive shift in its homelessness crisis in November, with 950 people exiting homelessness compared to 894 who became newly homeless, marking the first time in nearly three years. 尽管取得了这一改善,但无家可归问题区域工作队提醒说,需要更多的住房。 Despite this improvement, the Regional Task Force on Homelessness cautions that more housing is needed. 该市计划在新年之前增加262个新的庇护所床位,同时面临预算限制。 The city plans to add 262 new shelter beds before the New Year while facing budget constraints.