圣地亚哥批准263个新的庇护所床位,以应对不断上升的无家可归比率。 San Diego approves 263 new shelter beds to combat a rising homelessness rate.
圣地亚哥已经批准了263个新的庇护所床位,以帮助解决无家可归人数增加4%的问题,部分抵销了因发展和关闭而损失的650个床位。 San Diego has approved 263 new shelter beds to help address a 4% rise in homelessness, partially offsetting the loss of 650 beds due to development and closures. 市长Todd Gloria强调该市的综合办法, 包括161所负担得起的住房、235个新的“安全睡觉”空间、以及扩大的“安全泊车”方案。 Mayor Todd Gloria highlighted the city's comprehensive approach, which includes 161 affordable homes, 235 new "Safe Sleeping" spaces, and an expanded "Safe Parking" program. 新床位将设在圣地亚哥退伍军人村、圣地亚哥援救团和酗酒问题收容所,头六个月的费用超过100万美元。 The new beds will be located at the Veterans Village of San Diego, San Diego Rescue Mission, and an alcohol disorder shelter, with costs exceeding $1 million for the first six months.