安大略省的无家可归人数在2024年创历史新高,超过80,000人没有住房。 Ontario's homelessness hits record high in 2024, with over 80,000 people lacking shelter.
一份新报告显示,安大略省的无家可归现象在2024年达到历史最高点,有80,000多人无家可归,比两年前增加了25%。 A new report reveals that homelessness in Ontario reached a record high in 2024, with over 80,000 people experiencing homelessness, a 25% increase from two years ago. 近一半的人在庇护所或街头生活了六个月以上。 Nearly half have been in shelters or on the streets for over six months. 安大略省市政协会呼吁在10年中投资11亿加元,以建造75 000套负担得起的住房单元和20亿套用于安置营地中的住房单元。 The Association of Municipalities of Ontario calls for a $11-billion investment over 10 years to create 75,000 affordable housing units and $2 billion to house those in encampments. 自2016年以来,安大略省北部无家可归现象上升了204%,突出显示了孤立和基础设施赤字等独特挑战。 Northern Ontario saw a 204% rise in homelessness since 2016, highlighting unique challenges like isolation and infrastructure deficits.