San Antonio机场为4 000名休假回国的军人做好准备。 San Antonio airport prepares for 4,000 military members returning home on holiday leave.
San Antonio International Airport正准备迎接约4000名军人返乡度假, San Antonio International Airport is bracing for an influx of about 4,000 military members returning home for the holidays as part of the "holiday block leave" program. 这一激增恰好与一年中最繁忙的四天时间相吻合,促使土耳其航天局建议旅行者提前抵达,以避免失踪航班。 This surge coincides with the busiest four-day period of the year, prompting TSA to advise travelers to arrive early to avoid missing flights. 机场官员强调,这种休假时间对于帮助服务成员恢复工作、恢复活力十分重要。 Airport officials highlight the importance of this time off to help service members return to duty rejuvenated.