TSA敦促San Antonio旅行者早点到达, 在预期的节日人群中提供提示。 TSA urges San Antonio travelers to arrive early, offers tips amid expected holiday crowds.
TSA建议前往San Antonio的旅行者, 提前两小时到达, The TSA advises travelers to San Antonio to arrive at least two hours early due to holiday crowds. 提示包括不包装礼品、在检查行李中包装动力工具、了解食品和玩具限制。 Tips include keeping gifts unwrapped, packing power tools in checked luggage, and being aware of food and toy restrictions. 增加新的3D行李成像和路边袋检查服务,以方便旅行。 New 3D baggage imaging and a curbside bag check service are added to ease travel. 机场预计12月19日至1月2日之间每天旅行多达20 000人次,圣诞节前后为高峰日。 The airport expects up to 20,000 daily travelers between Dec. 19 and Jan. 2, with peak days around Christmas.