五名西约克郡警察因在WhatsApp群中发布种族主义和厌恶女性的内容而被解雇. Five West Yorkshire police officers fired for racist, misogynistic content in WhatsApp group.
5名西约克郡警察在参加有厌恶女性和种族主义内容的 " WhatsApp " 团体后,因严重不当行为而被开除。 Five West Yorkshire police officers have been dismissed for gross misconduct after participating in a WhatsApp group with misogynistic and racist content. 该团体包括贬损信息以及死亡场景和汽车撞车的不适当图像。 The group included derogatory messages and inappropriate images of death scenes and car crashes. 辞职的另外三名军官也会被开除。 Three additional officers who had resigned would also have been fired. 这些官员被裁定有罪,因为他们利用平台对同事和公众发表欺凌言论。 The officers were found guilty of using the platform to make bullying remarks about colleagues and the public.