8名西约克郡警察因在一个私人的“HessApp”团体中分享种族主义、性别歧视和攻击性信息而受到调查。 8 West Yorkshire Police officers under investigation for sharing racist, sexist, and offensive messages in a private WhatsApp group.
西约克郡警方的八名警官因在一个私人 WhatsApp 群组中分享种族主义、性别歧视和冒犯性信息而接受调查。 Eight officers from West Yorkshire Police are under investigation for sharing racist, sexist, and offensive messages in a private WhatsApp group. 这些信息包括与创伤事件有关的贬损性语言和图像。 The messages included derogatory language and images related to traumatic incidents. 警官们声称,这是用来应付压力的暗淡幽默,但不当行为听证会将确定他们的行为是否构成严重不当行为。 The officers claim this was dark humor meant to cope with stress, but the misconduct hearing will determine if their behavior constituted gross misconduct. 预计听讯将持续两周。 The hearing is expected to last two weeks.