剑桥郡警官因在网上发表种族主义和歧视性言论而被解雇。 Cambridgeshire police officer fired for making online racist and discriminatory remarks.
剑桥郡的一名警官,PC James Roper, 在网上发表歧视性评论后,因严重不当行为被开除。 A Cambridgeshire police officer, PC James Roper, was dismissed for gross misconduct after making discriminatory comments online. Roper被发现对移民发表攻击性言论,对有学习困难的人使用贬损性语言。 Roper was found to have made offensive remarks about immigrants and used derogatory language regarding people with learning difficulties. 副警长Jane Gyford强调需要坚持专业标准,以维持公众对警察部队的信任。 Deputy Chief Constable Jane Gyford highlighted the need to uphold professional standards to maintain public trust in the police force.