前多伦多警察因披露集体聊天 对她和其他人的不适当评论而被解雇 Former Toronto cop fired for revealing group chat with inappropriate comments about her, others.
多伦多警察局前警官Firouzeh Zarabi-Majd因不服从命令而被解职,因为他披露了51个分部小组的谈话内容不适当,包括对她身体的评论。 Former Toronto Police Service officer Firouzeh Zarabi-Majd was dismissed for insubordination after revealing a 51 Division group chat containing inappropriate conversations, including comments about her body. 谈话内容后来被用来破坏两名官员在无关法庭案件中的证词,但这些官员没有受到公开的纪律处分。 The chat's content was later used to undermine the testimony of two officers in unrelated court cases, yet those officers have not faced public disciplinary action. Zarabi-Majd目前正在就她的解雇提出上诉,并正在安大略省人权法庭进行诉讼。 Zarabi-Majd is currently appealing her firing and has ongoing proceedings with Ontario’s Human Rights Tribunal.