澳大利亚政府提出了新的航空乘客权利,包括援助长期延误和免费返回行李。 Australian government proposes new airline passenger rights, including aid for long delays and free lost luggage return.
澳大利亚政府发布了航空乘客权利宪章草案,目的是在繁忙的圣诞节季节改善旅行经验。 The Australian government has released a draft Charter of Rights for airline passengers, aiming to improve travel experiences during the busy Christmas season. 关键要点包括航空公司协助提供替代的旅行选择,以推迟三个小时以上,免费送回遗失的行李,并在30天内在24小时内确认投诉,并在30天内予以解决。 Key points include airlines assisting with alternative travel options for delays over three hours, returning lost luggage at no cost, and acknowledging complaints within 24 hours with resolution within 30 days. 该宪章规定在2026年之前执行,但与欧盟不同,其中不包括拖延或取消的现金补偿计划。 The charter, set for implementation by 2026, does not include a cash compensation scheme for delays or cancellations, unlike in the EU.