今年 2 月,澳大利亚上议院提出了一项“延误付费”法案,以在 12 月有 2200 多个航班取消的情况下加强对航空公司乘客的保护。 In February, a "Pay on Delay" bill is proposed for Australia's upper house to enhance airline passenger protections amid 2200+ flight cancellations in December.
一个联盟正在向联邦议会提交一项名为“延误付费法案”的新法案,推动加强对澳大利亚航空乘客的保护。 A coalition is pushing for enhanced protections for airline passengers in Australia with the submission of a new bill, known as the Pay on Delay bill, to federal parliament. 该法案旨在为乘客提供具体的保护,并明确他们的机票是针对特定时间的特定航班的。 The bill aims to provide concrete protections for passengers and clarify that their ticket is for a specific flight at a particular time. 该法案的出台是在 12 月份有 2200 多个航班被取消以及 11 月份澳大利亚最繁忙航线上 45.3% 的航班被取消或延误之后推出的。 The introduction of the bill follows over 2200 flight cancellations in December and 45.3% of flights on Australia's busiest routes being cancelled or delayed in November.