美国政府可能因债务上限争议而面临停摆,而且看不到妥协的迹象。 US government faces potential shutdown over debt ceiling dispute, with no compromise in sight.
由于对债务上限(政府借款限制)的争议,美国政府正处于停摆的边缘。 The US government is on the brink of a shutdown due to a dispute over the debt ceiling, a limit on government borrowing. 民主党人希望无条件提高上限,而共和党人则要求削减开支。 Democrats want to raise the ceiling without conditions, while Republicans demand spending cuts. 未能达成一致可能会中断基本服务并影响联邦雇员,这凸显了迫切需要妥协以避免停摆并维持经济稳定。 Failure to agree could disrupt essential services and affect federal employees, highlighting the urgent need for a compromise to avoid a shutdown and maintain economic stability.