随着立法者在债务上限增加问题上陷入僵局,美国可能面临政府关闭。 U.S. faces potential government shutdown as lawmakers deadlock over debt ceiling increase.
在立法者讨论债务上限、政府借款限额时,美国正面临政府关闭的可能。 The U.S. is facing a potential government shutdown as lawmakers debate the debt ceiling, a limit on government borrowing. 民主党想要直截了当的增加,而共和党人则要求削减开支。 Democrats want a straightforward increase, while Republicans demand spending cuts. 没有协议,基本服务可能中断,影响联邦雇员,并可能损害经济。 Without a deal, essential services could be disrupted, affecting federal employees and potentially harming the economy. 激烈的谈判反映了华盛顿的政治挑战。 The high-stakes negotiations reflect the political challenges in Washington.