前总统特朗普呼吁取消债务上限,使预算谈判复杂化,并冒政府关闭的风险。 Former President Trump calls to eliminate the debt ceiling, complicating budget talks and risking a government shutdown.
前总统特朗普呼吁取消债务上限,即国家债务的法定限制,使正在进行的预算谈判复杂化,并有可能使政府倒闭。 Former President Trump called for eliminating the debt ceiling, a statutory limit on national debt, complicating ongoing budget negotiations and potentially risking a government shutdown. 债务上限目前为31.4万亿美元,一直是国会管理国民债务的一个工具。 The debt ceiling, currently at $31.4 trillion, has been a tool for Congress to manage national debt. 特朗普的要求分裂了立法者,有些支持者,有些则视之为不可行。 Trump's demand has divided legislators, with some supporting and others dismissing it as unfeasible. 关于债务上限的辩论对美国经济和全球金融稳定具有重大影响。 The debate over the debt ceiling has significant implications for the US economy and global financial stability.