新的研究表明,巨石阵建于公元前 2620 年至公元前 2480 年左右,是古代不列颠人团结的象征。 New study suggests Stonehenge was built around 2620 to 2480 BC as a symbol of unity among ancient Britons.
新的研究表明,巨石柱可能建于公元前2620年到2480年左右,作为古代英国人的统一象征。 New research suggests Stonehenge may have been built around 2620 to 2480 BC as a unifying symbol for ancient Britons. 石块,包括13 227磅的Altar石块,是从苏格兰和威尔士等遥远地区运来的,表明不同社区之间开展了协作努力。 Stones, including the 13,227-pound Altar Stone, were transported from distant regions like Scotland and Wales, indicating a collaborative effort among different communities. 这座纪念碑与独居期间的太阳相一致,可能具有政治和宗教两个目的,象征着古代民族之间的团结。 The monument, which aligns with the sun during solstices, may have had both political and religious purposes, symbolizing unity among ancient peoples. 这一理论加剧了关于该遗址真正含义的持续争论,预计将有数千人聚集在一起庆祝冬至。 This theory adds to ongoing debates about the site's true meaning, with thousands expected to gather for the winter solstice celebrations.