丹麦考古学家发现600块古老的太阳石, 可能在公元前2900年左右埋在仪式中。 Archaeologists in Denmark find 600 ancient "sun stones," possibly buried in a ritual around 2900 B.C.
丹麦考古学家发现了600多块古石碑, 被称为“太阳之石”, 追溯到大约4900年前。 Archaeologists in Denmark have uncovered over 600 ancient stone plaques, known as "sun stones," dating back about 4,900 years. 这些石头可能象征着生育力,被发现埋在博尔霍尔姆的沟渠里,与动物骨骼和陶器一起。 These stones, likely symbolizing fertility, were found buried in a ditch on Bornholm, alongside animal bones and pottery. 研究人员表示,他们在公元前2900年火山爆发时被埋葬,造成火山冬季。 Researchers suggest they were buried around the time of a volcanic eruption in 2900 B.C., which caused a volcanic winter. 埋葬这些石头的行为可能是恢复太阳和农业生产力的一种仪式。 The act of burying the stones may have been a ritual to restore the sun and agricultural productivity.