巴吞鲁日近 30% 的虾菜贴错标签,每年给当地虾造成 $26.1M 的损失;新法律旨在打击欺诈。 Nearly 30% of shrimp dishes in Baton Rouge were mislabeled, costing local shrimpers $26.1M annually; new laws aim to combat fraud.
对Baton Rouge的调查发现,近30%的采样虾盘在实际进口时被误贴为当地菜,估计每年使当地虾家损失2 610万美元。 An investigation in Baton Rouge found that nearly 30% of sampled shrimp dishes were mislabeled as local when they were actually imported, costing local shrimpers an estimated $26.1 million annually. 这种误贴标签的做法破坏了消费者的信任,损害了13亿美元的虾业。 This mislabeling undermines consumer trust and harms the $1.3 billion shrimp industry. 从2025年1月1日起,新的州法律将要求餐馆明确标明其海产食品的原产地,帮助打击欺诈和支持当地捕虾者。 Starting January 1, 2025, new state laws will require restaurants to clearly label the origins of their seafood, helping combat fraud and support local shrimpers.