近三分之一的Baton Rouge餐馆误将进口虾标为当地虾,2025年面临新的标签法。 Nearly a third of Baton Rouge restaurants mislabeled imported shrimp as local, facing new labeling laws in 2025.
SeaD咨询公司进行的遗传测试发现,近三分之一的巴吞红色餐馆把进口虾误贴当地海湾渔获的标签,有些则收取较高的价格。 Genetic testing by SeaD Consulting found that nearly a third of Baton Rouge restaurants were mislabeling imported shrimp as local Gulf catch, with some charging higher prices. 从1月1日起,一项新的路易斯安那州法律要求餐馆明确标明虾和龙虾的产地,对不遵守者处以罚款。 A new Louisiana law starting January 1st will require restaurants to clearly label the origin of shrimp and crawfish, with fines for non-compliance. SeaD的测试显示,24家抽样餐馆中有7家参与误贴标签,这突出表明了对当地捕虾业的经济影响。 SeaD's test revealed that seven out of 24 sampled restaurants were involved in mislabeling, highlighting the economic impact on the local shrimping industry.