爱荷华州的报告批评监狱中滥用束缚椅的做法,尤其是对精神病囚犯而言。 Iowa report criticizes misuse of restraint chairs in jails, especially for mentally ill inmates.
爱荷华州监察官办公室发布了一份报告, 批评韦伯斯特州和布恩州监狱滥用限制椅。 The Iowa Office of Ombudsman has released a report criticizing the misuse of restraint chairs in jails in Webster and Boone counties. 据报告,囚犯,特别是处于心理健康危机中的囚犯,被长期禁闭,有时长达14小时,即使没有必要,也违反国家法律。 Inmates, particularly those in mental health crises, were reportedly restrained for long periods, sometimes up to 14 hours, even when not necessary, violating state laws. 报告呼吁制定更严格的准则,并增加心理健康筛查,以防止虐待。 The report calls for stricter guidelines and increased mental health screenings to prevent abuse.