孟买的一艘渡轮在撞上一艘海军船后翻沉,造成14人死亡,并引发安全条例问题。 A ferry in Mumbai capsized after hitting a Navy boat, killing 14 and sparking safety regulation questions.
在孟买,一艘运载100多名乘客的渡轮在与一艘进行发动机试验的海军船只碰撞后翻船,造成14人死亡。 In Mumbai, a ferry carrying over 100 passengers capsized after colliding with a Navy boat conducting engine trials, resulting in 14 deaths. 尽管渡轮拥挤不堪,但当局声称坠毁是由于海军船只的高速和失控造成的。 Despite the ferry being overcrowded, authorities claim the crash was caused by the Navy boat's high speed and loss of control. 渡轮运营商的执照被吊销,但批评者质疑安全条例的有效性,包括每年进行健身检查和低额超载罚款。 The ferry operator's license was suspended, but critics question the effectiveness of safety regulations, including annual fitness inspections and low fines for overloading. 这一事件引发了警察和海军的调查,当局现在授权所有乘客佩戴救生衣。 The incident has sparked investigations by both the police and the Navy, with authorities now mandating life jackets for all passengers.