一次学校野餐时,巴罗达湖的船翻了,导致 12 名学生和两名老师丧生。 When the boat in Vadodara Lake overturned during a school picnic, twelve students and two teachers perished.
印度巴罗达的一次学校野餐期间,一艘船在湖上倾覆,造成 12 名学生和两名教师死亡。 Twelve students and two teachers have died after a boat capsized on a lake during a school picnic in Vadodara, India. 据报道,这艘船人满为患,可容纳 14 人,但载有 31 人,但没有人穿救生衣。 The boat, which was reportedly overcrowded, had a capacity of 14 but was carrying 31 people, none of whom were wearing life jackets. 十八名学生和两名教师获救,但两名学生情况危急。 Eighteen students and two teachers were rescued, but two students are in critical condition. 巴罗达市政公司已将划船合同授予一家私营公司。 The Vadodara Municipal Corporation had awarded the boating contract to a private firm.