男子因袭击前伴侣并威胁其未出生婴儿而被判处2年缓刑。 Man gets 2-year suspended sentence for assaulting ex-partner and threatening her unborn child.
一名29岁的男子在承认犯有攻击其前伴侣、其十几岁的弟弟的罪行,并威胁不顾禁止令在都柏林的家中伤害其未出生的孩子之后,被判处缓刑两年监禁。 A 29-year-old man received a suspended two-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to assaulting his former partner, her teenage brother, and threatening to harm her unborn child at her home in Dublin, despite a barring order. 法官以其子女的福祉为由,对目前由男子照管的子女的监禁判决作出了不服的裁决。 The judge decided against a custodial sentence, citing the wellbeing of their children, who are now in the man's care. 他还被下令完成为期12个月的家庭虐待课程。 He was also ordered to complete a 12-month domestic abuse course.