得克萨斯州律师梅森·赫林因在妻子的饮料中下药引流堕胎,导致发育迟缓的孩子早产,被判处 180 天监禁和 10 年缓刑。 Texas attorney Mason Herring sentenced to 180 days in jail and 10 years probation for drugging wife's drinks to induce abortion, causing premature birth of child with developmental delays.
德克萨斯州男子梅森·赫林 (Mason Herring) 是一名 39 岁的休斯顿律师,在承认伤害儿童和袭击孕妇的罪名后,被判处 180 天监禁和 10 年缓刑。 A Texas man, Mason Herring, a 39-year-old Houston attorney, was sentenced to 180 days in jail and 10 years of probation after pleading guilty to injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person. 赫林在妻子的饮料中下了药,试图引产。 Herring drugged his wife's drinks in an attempt to induce an abortion. 他的妻子凯瑟琳·赫林提出离婚,并表示监禁时间不够长。 His wife, Catherine Herring, filed for divorce and said the jail sentence was not long enough. 他们一岁的孩子早产且发育迟缓,每周接受八次治疗。 Their 1-year-old child, born prematurely with developmental delays, attended therapy eight times a week. 凯瑟琳在垃圾桶中发现了一种含有米索前列醇的药物的包装,并向警方提供了隐藏的摄像机镜头,显示赫林在她的饮料中混合了一种物质。 Catherine discovered packaging for a misoprostol-containing drug in the trash and provided hidden camera footage to the police, showing Herring mixing a substance in her drink.